What’s Your Antiracist Style?
Choose true for those statements that apply or that are mostly true for you. If the statement does not apply to you, or is not aligned with how you think or behave, or if you do not understand what the statement means, then choose N/A for not applicable.
I can name at least one institutional structure that shapes and maintains racism.
I believe that most organizations by law have fair hiring practices.
I believe that people of color can be racist.
I believe that being white and being racist is a fixed status attached to skin color.
I sometimes question how people of color are presented in the media.
I have close friends of a different race other than my own.
Within the past year, I have read a book or listened to a presentation about racism.
I have felt guilty for having denied the significance of racism in a situation.
When someone brings up racism in a conversation, I work to change the subject to something less controversial.
I believe that we should focus more on being color blind than focusing on racism.