What’s Your Antiracist Style?
Choose true for those statements that apply or that are mostly true for you. If the statement does not apply to you, or is not aligned with how you think or behave, or if you do not understand what the statement means, then choose N/A for not applicable.
Within the past year, I have read a book or listened to a presentation about racism.
I understand and can explain gerrymandering.
I believe that business owners have the right to practice their faith and not sell goods or services to those who are not aligned with their values.
I believe that racists are primarily members of white supremacy fringe groups.
When someone brings up racism in a conversation, I work to change the subject to something less controversial.
I believe that most organizations by law have fair hiring practices.
I believe that racism is the root cause of the educational achievement gap.
I believe that we should focus more on being color blind than focusing on racism.
I can name at least one way that voter suppression happens today.
I believe that people of color are the only ones who can judge if someone or something is racist.