Antiracist Style Indicator

What’s Your Antiracist Style?

Survey Page 1 (12%)

Choose true for those statements that apply or that are mostly true for you. If the statement does not apply to you, or is not aligned with how you think or behave, or if you do not understand what the statement means, then choose N/A for not applicable.

  1. Within the past six months, I have attended a political or civic event that focused on racism.
  2. I have close friends of a different race other than my own.
  3. I believe that because of the visibility of race, people of color regardless of their personal achievements experience racial marginalization and oppression.
  4. I can name at least two social determinants of health.
  5. I believe that today’s housing segregation simply reflects that people desire to live with their own kind.
  6. I am confused by why black people loot and vandalize their own communities.
  7. When someone brings up racism in a conversation, I work to change the subject to something less controversial.
  8. I believe that people of color self-segregate to foster a sense of belonging.
  9. I believe that racism is a permanent part of the American experience.
  10. I have been mentored or mentored someone of a different race than my own.