Antiracist Style Indicator

What’s Your Antiracist Style?

“In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.”
Angela Y. Davis

Understanding Your Score

The Antiracist Style Indicator (ASI) is an online self-assessment tool designed to provide you with information on your effectiveness in eradicating racism. Being an antiracist involves making intentional and conscious decisions to support policies, practices and procedures that promote racial equity in housing patterns, criminal justice system, wealth distribution, education, healthcare, and voting rights. Being an antiracist is also a dynamic process that plays out in your everyday life in your attitudes and beliefs. Beyond working to dismantle systemic racism, being an antiracist involves how you express yourself as a racial person and how you interact within a multiracial society with others who do not share your same racial identity.

Rooted in Gestalt psychology principles and family systems theory, the 70 items of the ASI reflect the attitudes, knowledge and skills for being an effective antiracist. Your percentage score in each of the three categories—Underfunctioning, Functioning, Overfunctioning—represent the degree to which these characteristics show up in your lifestyle. The scores do not add up to 100%, rather the percentage simply reflects the degree to which you express characteristics of each category. Your highest score represents your dominant style as an antiracist. If your highest score is not distinguishable from your other scores, then you do not have a dominant style.

The ASI does not predict success or failure in being an antiracist. As a self-assessment tool, it is designed to help you focus on specific aspects of your personality, behavior, skills and knowledge as areas of strength and weaknesses. You can make your own interpretations about your scores and determine choices for your growth areas. It is an ipsative measure rather than a norm-based assessment, meaning your score only applies to you and you can take it again over time to see if your scores change and improve.

Questions about the ASI or to Inquire about the Becoming Better Antiracists Workshop:

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